Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tagged by Tara :)

8th picture from my 8th folder!

A Long Time Ago, in a galaxy far far away, Melanie, Emily and Jessica were bored at mutual. So many pictures were taken. This exact picture took many, many trys to get right.

But it's freakin RAD!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hey look!

I'm blogging!

i like pictures better than words

cause i'm not so good with words

that's why i hardly blog.

drum major..

band concert
bassoon.. yuck.
but i had solos!

friends :)
gotta love em

stupid exams and are frustrating
and lots of homework
especially after missing a week of school for being sick..

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cayden :)

Guess What?
This is the most adorable little boy you'll ever meet!
And guesss what Else ELSE?!
I tie dyed that shirt :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Um, The play is OVER-last night was closing night.
Trent, You are now on the side of my blog.
I got tagged by Tara! Girl, i need to see you. WE LIVE IN THE SAME TOWN!

7 things that I'm looking for in my future husband:
1. A desire to be better each day
2. Wants a Family, and to be close to them
3. Has a strong testimony in the gospel
4. Caring :) and Loving
5. Musical in some way
6. Fun to be around!
7. Hahaha, Understands me :)

7 things I always say:
1. Sweet
2. Yay for ....!
4. yeah boy!
5. I hate chemistry
6. I need a new song stuck in my head
7. Where'd i put my...

7 things I love to eat
1. Ice Cream
2. Icees
3. Gooey Cookies
4. Subway Sandwiches
5. Strawberries
6. Grainy Bread, toasted with good Jam :)
7. Homemade Carmel popcorn

7 things I can do
1. I can play the bari sax!
2. I can make a fool out of myself dancing :)
3. I can Listen
4. I can sing out loud in the middle of wal mart
5. I can text pretty dang fast [maybe not as fast as jen ;)]
6. I can read for hours
7. I can be somewhere, while my head is entirely somewhere else.

7 things I can't do
1. I can't pay attention for very long
2. I can't talk things out when i'm mad
3. I can't stand when people are mad at me
4. I can't jump
5. I can't sew.. yet.
6. I can't wait to get out of high school [and move to texas!]
7. I can't play soccer anymore

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sadies.. or Sadees...


Here in Utah land the girls tag the boys for the sadie hawkins dance! Literally, TAG. Like.. I had to chase my future date, Glenn Rice, for two hours.. At Wal Mart, the parking lot of a football game.. Wendys.. and FINALLY, Arbys.... Yeahhhh.. It was fun though! I got him!

Also, Here in Utah land we have day dates :) Which are incredibly fun[most of the time, day dates are the best part of the whole dance experience]! For our group's day date we went ice blocking[get a block of ice and slide down grassy hills on it in various ways] and played board games[um, play board games] It was super duper fun!

Our groups dressed up as.. storybook/disney couples!! SOOO fun!! :D I was going to be Thumbelinia at first :) but then i got convinced by my wonderful friends to be snow white.. cause of my hair :) so i did!! And my AMAZING Mother made me a dress and Glenn a prince ish tunic!! [I love you mom! THANKS!] yeah! It turned out awesome!!

The Dance was definately THE BEST though!! The Music was awesome!! They actually played the songs i requested!! and i danced like NONE OTHER!! I was sweating sooooo much because of it! I guess you didn't really need to know that..... just proving my point! It was alot of fun though :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

To Vegas and Back in 11 Hours

Hello Hello!

Hate car rides..
but that has been told..

BUT this saturday, we went to vegas! and it was awesome! because i got to hang with Laura and Mary!! And i LOVE them!


it was super duper fun :)

we carved pumpkins. yeahh, mine kinda sucks.. but i'm just not that into carving pumpkins.. i'd totally rather paint a pumpkin.. like plaid.. wouldn't that be awesome? a plaid pumpkin.. yeah :D


I wanted to go trick or treating.. cause it's my last halloween as a child, weird.. But i have to play in the pep band at a football game.. PSHHH WHO THE FREAK LIKES FOOTBALL?!

not me.

In other news.. the play that i'm in, Big River, is going to be playing next weekend!! Nov 6th, 7th, and 10th! PLEASE COME!! It'll be awesome, i promise :) hopefully..

Peace OUT! yo

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is sarcasm a sin?

Story Time.. Once upon a time.. There was a trip that was to be made. This trip was to start at cedar city, continue north for four and a half hours until a house was reached, called the house of the Lovely Jennifer Benson. Yeah, my awesome sister! But there was one problem.. Emily hated driving in the car[unless she was driving, which usually doesn't happen on family trips, ever]. So, it was decided that she would entertain herself with taking pictures with her adorable little brother. The end.
Did you know that John Jones Sargent, also known as Bubba, likes to take pictures?! Go figure, right?! I bet you could NEVER have guessed that!! Crazy, i know.. I'm glad we're on the same page. :)

So weird, right? i mean.. i usually can NEVER get to take a picture with me!!

So today.. i've done to the things that i LOOOVE!!!
I've CLEANED!! and I've worked on the Band Scrapbook!

sorta looks like i'm done huh? NOT EVEN CLOSE!!
it's pretty exciting..
and kinda boring..
i mean, i LOVE IT! YAY!

Long weekend=awesome!!!
who needs school?
pshh.. definately not everybody who wants to be a little tiny bit successful.. yeah.

Um, question! Does anybody want to tell me what i want to do in college? that' d be nice if you could tell me.. just leave a comment with the answer!! thank you!


Peace Out!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sweet Necture of Life!

a COOKIE is defined as:
a small cake made from stiff, sweet dough rolled and sliced or dropped by spoonfuls on a large, flat pan and baked.

And it came to pass that I, Emily Sargent, had a cookie for lunch today. Verily, Verily I say unto that this cookie was not just a cookie nor was it a mere dessert, But it was the sweet Necture in my day. It was a large chocolate chip cookie drizzled in chocolate syrup. Yes, it was amazing. And definately the healthest lunch i have had in days! Amen.
This Blog was inspired by Ryan Ilano, who is obessessed with the cookie monster and can tell you some pretty dang funny cookie monster jokes, ask him.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008



i pretty much ACED my AP Chem test today!!


freakin hardest chapter ever...

but today gave me hope!!

i spy....

a ridiculously awesome green frog pin that i stole from my wonderful mother who recieved it from my incredabley amazing sister that lives in texas as a gift from winning a thing on sarah's blog, but my mother or mutti as i like to call her doesn't want it because she doesn't have a freakin awesome tie dye backpack that she made herself like some people who's name start with e and end with mily or mmalee, whatever, and this person might have stole it because she loves frogs!!! or just for fun..
thanks sarah :)
peace out!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Everyday People

homecoming week! WOOT

well, monday was PJ day! woot!

Tuesday was...


i don't remember..

i think it was blast from the past? but.. i didn't dress up for that one..

Wednesday was Teacher Day!!

i dressed up like my english teacher, Mrs. Esplin. She really does dress like this! I love her to death! Best Teacher EVER! and Teekay dressed up like him.. Mr. Kern.. :) I think he was trying to wink? maybe not....

Thursday was Twin Day!!! So a group of my friends all dressed up like this! it was fun to go through the halls together.. I got many compliments on Grandpa Sargent's tie! It was fantastic! [Sorry about the skin exposure..]

Friday was Red and Gold day!! WOOT WOOT

these are my Besties- Kelci and Melanie :)

so yeah! that was homecoming week!!

but think week! I played with a jazz band for this community thing! It was kinda scary.. because it was a bunch of old people that have been playing forever and have they're masters in music.. and then in and Austie[a freakin amazing trumpet player in high school jazz with me], it was awesome! so much fun! I love playing the bari!! WOOT

and then Friday i had a meet at our school, it was the cedar invitalition.. which is huge! lots of schools came.. and i PRed!! my time was two minutes faster than my last time!! :D it made me happy!

Conference is awesome!!
but it scares me.. It's making me think that we're going to go into anyother depression..

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Homecoming :)


This last week was homecoming!! :D

and last night was the homecoming dance! I was lucky enough to have Laura be here :) that was fun! I miss my big sisters, TONS!! wahhh, this is me crying.

and this is me with an amazing guy named TeeKay, he's a dork.
ANd you gotta love the purple tights..
he had a hat that matched his tie too! it was pretty pimp. We had alot of fun.. even though the DJ was LAME and stuff.. he just moved here from vegas in feb.. so he's not used to cedar city and how different it is than vegas.. the dances in vegas sound pretty rad compared to our lameness.. but that's okay! Ya get what you put into it.
Um, i'll probably put up another post later, about the day date and stuff.. when i have this one picture from this girl in our group.. ... so i'll talk to ya'll later :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Two names you go by:

Two things you are wearing right now:
1-My favorite Jeans :) Not to mention the only ones that fit me....
2-White V-neck

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1-For it to be next week!
2- Ice Cream

Two people who will most likely do this

Two things you did last night:
1-English homework
2-Play Rehearsal! :) so much fun!! I LOVE BEING INA MUSICAL!

Two things you ate today
1-Pizza and Pizza
2-Apple Jacks

Two People you just spoke with:
1-Jessica Lynn Groves

Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1-Marching in a parade...
2-Going to this Jazz band practice for a jazz band in the community.. with OLD PEOPLE!

Two longest car rides:
1-Cedar City Utah to Sikeston Missouri. puke.
2-Las Vegas to Sikeston when i was little..

Two favorite beverages:
2-Should say water.. but NOOOO! soda.. namely dr.pepper or diet coke.. or even diet dr pepper

Monday, September 1, 2008


Soooo, School Started.. YAY! I'm so busy busy busy! But i like it :)
I've got alot of homework.. and it's weird cause i actually like doing some of it...
I've got three AP classes.. which is where all the homework is coming from.. but yeah :)
I've been running cross country every day, had three meets already..... no pictures for that.. ew..

For band i'm the drummajor! But just for marching band.. which we do.. like three times tops.. Just parades.. woo hoooo
It was fun though!
i didn't hit anybody! WOOT

And JAZZ TRYOUTS are this week!!! :) :) WOOT!
i'm so excited for Jazz to start!!! :)
Been doing pep band... done two football games already...
everybody loves football.
Actually! It's pretty fun! I love the band peps! well... most of them..
They make it fun though :) Rachel and I sat by these guys Justin and TK and they were HILARIOUS! it was pretty fun :) TK would randomly hug justin, and justin would get all creeped out... long story.. this sounds retarded...
but yeah.

And Laura and Joesph are here!! They're fun :)
We went hiking.
and i made a friend, his name is Milo. He's a frog.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


What Is This Thing That Men Call Death?
Words by Gordon B. Hinckley, Music by Janice Kapp Perry
What is this thing that men call death,
This quiet passing in the night?’
Tis not the end, but genesis
Of better worlds and greater light.
O God, touch Thou my aching heart,
And calm my troubled, haunting fears.
Let hope and faith, transcendent, pure,
Give strength and peace beyond my tears.
There is no death, but only change
With recompense for victory won;
The gift of Him who loved all men,
The Son of God, the Holy One.
Um. Sometimes horrible things happen to amazing people, and it makes things that much harder. My good friend Hannah lost her father and brother last night. So many people are effected by her father, he was in our bishoprick and a beloved doctor.
It's been very hard for all of my friends, family and everyone in my ward. But we'll make it through because we have eachother.
This has just brough alot of realization to me. I love my dad so much. I don' tknow what i would do without him. I love my family. I will always be grateful for them.
Hannah is the top runner on our cross country team. Our whole team ran for her this morning. It was the hardest race i'd ever run. I totally lost it before the race and was balling my eyes out[especially after i saw my dad and mom], causing me to not be able to breathe half the race, which is a problem in a 3.1 mile race.. breathing is kinda important. Then Hannah came for the girls varsity race, that was the hardest part of all, just to see her. I'm so worried about her. I just don't know what to do.
In this time i think the most important thing is to be close to my family and friends.
I love you all.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

i've got a black soul.. or just hair.. but really.. i'd have a fro if i was black..


So, i dyed my hair.. And it's pretty much black... I wasn't supposed to be this dark..

I'm sure if i like it or not yet.. It's just too dark..

and my dad isn't very nice about it.. but most everyone else seems to like it!

i dunno.. haha

My life has pretty much been focused around reading... how lame that sounds..

But I'm going into AP English this year and we've got to read a certain amount of book before school starts from the AP Reading List.. So this week i was finishing Atonement! And that is one amazing book! makes me want to see the movie... Because i'm curious how they actually portrayed parts of the book.. It's a depressing book, but very well writen and makes you think about alot of things! I recomment it ;) So after i finished that book.. which was around wednesday.. i went and bought BREAKING DAWN!! And i've been reading it since.. today i've read pretty much all day long... and i'm probably going to finish it tomorrow..

I really like it! i think alot of people are critizing it too much.. just like the 7th harry potter book.. i swear, people need to be nicer to these writers.. they're not perfect! haha, they do an amazing job with what they got goin! yeah.. that's my opinion.. :)
that's it.
Peace Out :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Hush Sound!

So, I'm in love with a band called The Hush Sound. Cause they're freakin amazing!
I went to go see them in concert at the Avalon in Salt Lake a week from today!!
They were amazing live!!

haha, can you tell which on isn't taken from my camera phone?
I'm in love with the Bassist.. Chris..
I must have a thing for guys who play bass.........
But yeah :)
it was an amazing concert!!!
Before the Hust Sound played there were some other bands that played..
The Morning Light
Steel Train
The Cab
it was so much fun!
It definately changed my view of concerts.. cause the last one i had been to was Drake Bell... and yeahhh.. The Hush Sound is TEN THOUSAND TIMES MORE AMAZING!!
wah cha!
so yeah.
Then the next day we went to Las Vegas! And Hannah and I stayed there wednesday through saturday.. and visited friends and such :) it was fun :) I got to hang out with my best friend Ryan, who i've been friends with for nine years now! He's awesome :) i love him.

My mom is gone. She's in Texas with Sarah and Bella and Aube and James.. and i'm so freakin jealous! because i miss them :(
welll today i've just been reading, musicing and doin the band scrapbook.. which is ohhhh so excited, let me tell ya ;)
BUT! Mr. Shirts [my band teacher] called the other day and made me the new JAZZ BAND PRESIDENT for next year!! :) i'm soooo excited!!! :D:D
so yeahh
that's my life at the moment

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Random life of Emily, Emilio, Emmalee?

Okay, So i work at the Snowie.. we know this.

The other day.. monday.. This guy comes to the snowie..

Normal. He was was in his like.. fourties/fifties. also normal.

We talked alot.. he was just friendly, and i was trying to be nice.

Sorta Normal ;). So we talked for a while, and then he left..

He came back.. Not so normal. ANd was like "I got you a present,

cause i think your cool" Not Normal.

and the present...

was this clock...

It's pretty cool, no?

but yeahh

that's my story.

Then tonight!

Quincey, my friend nieghbor came over and gave me an invitation to a party she's having tonight..

And on my invitation i was asked to dress up as a Princess.

she explained this to me.

"It's a costume party, and everyone is dressing up as something different

We gave everyone a different assignment, and it'll be alot different from thier Personality"

So I got Princess.. cause i'm a dang tomboy

but it was fun :)

i wore my homecoming dress, which is pink..


I think that's it.
except for that i have soo many fines on my library card that i can't check out books anymore.. lame sauce.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Batman


wow. amazing movie!

just, wow.

Heath Ledger did such an AMAZING job at the Joker!

In this movie, he's amazing, creepy, and believable.

He plays his part in this movie that you like him and hate him at the same time... He does tons of things that just make you laugh! Even when usually, he's hurting people at the same time... Crazy.

My favorite part of this movie is when the Joker and Batman are in the interiogation room and the Joker gives his little speech, the whole time i was just like, WOW, this guy was an amazing actor.. even if he was on drugs..

Why So Serious?

Christian Bale Did a great job too!
Strong, Brave, freakin attractive, and Amazing Guy.

All the stuff in this movie was just amazing! i can see why it took so long to make! Cause wow, everything

the acting, the effects, the costumes.. all amazing.

GO SEE IT, seriously.

So.. other things in my life..

um, i got a haircut?

I didn't really like it for a while.. still not really sure if i do..

but i think it's grown.. in the last like three days.. so i like it a little more..


But yeahh


We got a Puppy, she is pretty :)

Laura and Joesph are staying with us for the next two weeks!!

and i'm going to go see THE HUSH SOUND in concert the 28th! WOO HOO

i dont want school to start.

this is emily.

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Jess Jess

Jessica Lynn Groves=My Best Friend

i love her to death

so they other day.. we had a little fun with her camera...

we just walked around our neighborhood.. it was pretty random and pretty awesome..