Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I had some awesome roommates! They are both super cute and fun to be around, and we all became pretty close friends and did a lot together.

This is Kahli!
A gorgeous red-head that has fantastic taste in music, she's very entertaining to be around because not only can we just talk and talk, but she's prone to accidents. I got to know her pretty well since we were roommates for two semesters straight. :) She was nice enough to be my model this last semester. We had fun with it! We'd just go out and find interesting things to photograph, she was a lot help to me!

And here is our beautiful Betsy,
the new addition to the dorm! She is a sweetheart and always so kind :)
She's from a small town that's similar to Cedar City, so we had similar high school and boy experiences, which was fun to find out. I honestly thought we wouldn't become good friends because she was so girly... haha Well, I got more girly, and we got to know each other. And then we became pretty close friends! (And I'm rooming with her this next fall at Birch, so excited!)
This last picture is of Betsy and our basically adopted roommate, Nathan!
Nathan and I became friends about halfway through the semester and he started coming over a lot.. He was at our dorm almost everyday! And he treated us all like his little sisters :) aww.. how cute ;)

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