Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Laurel Retreat

So every year in our ward we usually have a young women retreat, all of the young women in our ward go to the Ellsworth's cabin and spend the night.. being girls :) And it's always tons of fun! but THIS year, just the laurels went.. and it was even more fun! :) No gonna lie.. I freakin LOVE all the girls in our ward.. but a whole night with the screaming beehives.. is a little much..

The best thing about being in my ward is how close all the girls are! I seriously have five best friends in just the laurel class! And i love them all to pieces!! :D

Well, Our agenda consisted of, Reading the scriptures together(amazing to have all our experiences and thoughts come together), playing games together, taking pictures(mostly "animal pictures" with are hilarious and will follow), playing family fued, Making cookies, drinking hot chocolate, taking more pictures, watching Bride and Predjious(the most hilarious Bollywood production), and staying up til two o'clock, you guessed it, taking pictures and talking! :D Yay, we're girls!! Then we woke up in the morning and had the most amazing breakfast, cooking by our amazing leaders, then we packed up and went home! It was so rad :) I love being with such fabulous people!


Jennifer said...

How fun is that!!!! :) I was good friends with my laurel class too.. but not as close!! Its always fun to have a sleepover with awesome best friends!!! :)

Simply Sarah *K* said...

How fun! You guys look like you have too much fun together ;).

Jess said...

pretty much I love you.