Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Family Foundations

I was reading a talk by Erza Taft Benson for my Family Foundations class, entitled "To the Fathers in Israel."
It's an AMAZING talk! I would definitely recommend reading it. This is the way President Benson talks to the men about loving their wives:
“Love means being sensitive to her feelings and needs. She wants to be noticed and treasured. She wants to be told that you view her as lovely and attractive and important to you. Love means putting her welfare and self-esteem as a high priority in your life.”

This quote makes me melt!! It is sooooooo true!
Anyways :) I just wanted to share that!! Read the Talk! ;)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tie Dye!!

Hii :)
So, I've been tie dying a lot lately! Because Jed had to start a website for one of his classes.. so we decided to start a website on tie dye tutorials! We haven't gotten too far, because he's really busy.. but it's been fun!! :) the website is :) Check it!!
I also had to research a lot for this, and I learned a lot about dyes.. and the dye I've been using is called procion MX dye (but I get the off brand at dharma trading company). It's really fantastic! You just need soda ash and some other stuff, but it looks so bright and stays bright!!
So I've been mixing my own dyes and making shirts :) This one is my favorite so far :)

I plan on doing a lot more too! Maybe tomorrow! :) I learned how to do peace signs, hearts, the V, and mandalas! I'll have to do some tomorrow and I'll post more pictures!
It's so much fun! I can't wait to show you more :) :)